Assignment of Credit Hours


通过这项政策,ACPHS确认其使用“学时”作为学院教学水平和严谨性的基本制度衡量标准.  The College further acknowledges the definition of credit hour provided by the U.S. 教育部(包括以下),这一政策的细节是基于.

The U.S. 教育部将“学时”定义为“…在预期的学习成果中所代表的工作量,并通过学生成绩的证据来验证,该证据是制度建立的等效性,合理地近似于不低于:

  1. 一个小时的课堂或直接教师指导和至少两个小时的课外学生工作,大约15周,一个学期或三个学期的学分, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or,
  2. 至少相当于本定义第(1)段所要求的,由该机构设立的其他学术活动的工作量, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.”
Academic Calendar

The Registrar is responsible for preparing the College’s Academic Calendar.  每学期为15个教学周,包括14周的课程安排和一周的期末考试.  学期时间表根据需要进行调整,以确保有相同数量的预定星期一, Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Credit Hour Equivalencies

ACPHS awards credit for the various instructions settings as described below.  Note that this represents the minimum expectation the College has for each setting.

Lecture, Seminar, Recitation 

相当于15节50分钟的教学课程(12 .)可获得1个学分.5个小时),其中包括每节课两个小时的课外学习(总共30个小时)。.  没有期末考试的课程需要布置课外活动或期末项目来弥补这些课时.


One credit hour is awarded for laboratory courses having the equivalent of:

  • 15节150分钟的教学课,很少或不需要准备(总教学时间2250分钟), 37.5 total hours)
  • 不少于12节150分钟的课程,其中重要的外部工作(每节不少于一小时)(总教学时间为1800分钟), 30 total hours)
  • 其他与上述合理接近的实验室和外部工作的组合

Combination Lecture and Laboratory Courses


Independent Study and Undergraduate Research Experiences

15周(45小时),每周完成3小时独立学习,可获得1个学分。.  Likewise, 15周(45小时),每周3小时的研究时间可得1学分。.  每节课相当于15节50分钟的课堂,每节课有两个小时的课外活动.

Experiential Learning 

全球十大赌博靠谱的平台体验式学习的定义和学分授予的期望因学科和项目的特定认证机构而异.  At ACPHS, 在专业环境中进行至少40小时的监督学术活动,可获得1个学分.  在监督时间之外,对所需准备的期望因经验而异.

Online Courses

预计在线课程的学习结果与传统课程的学习结果一致.  学院遵守纽约州教育部的要求,即“完成任务的时间”(学生在大学课程中花费的总学习时间)用于授予在线课程的学分,其中一个学分相当于45个小时的时间.  完成任务的时间大致是指学生完成满意的工作所需的时间,包括:

  • reading course presentations/ "lectures"
  • reading other materials
  • participation in online discussions
  • doing research
  • writing papers or other assignments
  • completing all other assignments (e.g. projects)
Documentation of Course Expectations

The College uses a course approval process that, at a minimum, requires the approval of the department offering the course.  课程批准要求完成一份课程提案,该提案记录了预期的主题覆盖范围和每周相关的课堂时间表.  审批部门有责任确保这些时间表的适当性,并与拟议的学分分配保持一致.

Expectations for independent study and research vary by student and experience.  每个学生的具体要求由教师以各自的形式记录,并由授予学分的部门主席批准.  These forms are submitted to and archived by the Registrar’s office.

Course Scheduling

课程安排由各自的系主任制定,并由教务长执行.  两者都有责任确保这一政策的期望得到满足.

Alternate Schedules

只要总学时不变,课程的学分授予不受授课日历的影响.  That is, 一门课程无论在常规学期计划下开设,都具有相同的学分, during a summer session, or in an accelerated manner (e.g. in Vermont).

Cancellation of Classes

When a faculty member needs to cancel class for reasons such as illness, jury duty, professional service obligations, or attendance at a professional conference, 期望通过补课来维持课程的总教学时数, providing a recorded lecture, assigning an appropriate activity, or other approach. If the College is closed, 教师应该通过上面列出的方法之一来弥补教学时间.


Middle States Commission of Higher Education Credit Hour Policy        

GEN-11-06全球十大赌博靠谱的平台10月29日发布的最终规定中定义的学时的机构和认证机构指南, 2010                                                                   


SUNY University-wide Credit Hour Policy